Sports Chiropractic at Envite Chiropractic
Athletes subject their bodies to a lot of physical stress, which can take a toll on the body’s ability to function optimally. At Envite Chiropractic, we provide specialized care for athletes of all ages and abilities, from kids through seniors. Shoulder injuries are especially common for athletes, and Dr. Tamez specializes in care for this complex joint.
Benefits of Sports Chiropractic
Virtually every Olympic and professional sporting team has a team chiropractor to ensure their players remain in top physical condition. When your nervous system works as it should, the rest of your body can also function at its highest level. That’s why regular chiropractic care, which removes interference from the nervous system, can help you perform at your highest level.
Our Approach
If you’re overcoming an injury, we’ll want to see you more frequently. If you’re looking to maintain health and your optimal performance, we’ll see you a little less often. There’s no cookie-cutter approach to care here: every athlete is different, so every care plan is different.

Get Started Today
If you’ve been injured playing sports or want to take your performance to the next level, contact us today to book your first appointment.